5 Tips for Moms Who Want to Build Body Confidence

As a plus-size mom of 3 kids, I know I don’t spend a whole lot of time on myself. It takes actual effort to love and appreciate my body. We spend so much time on our kids, when would we actually make any time to feel good about ourselves? Here’s the thing I tell new moms:  after the baby arrives, we forget about the most important priority: our recovery and transition into motherhood.  Being a mom is daunting, and if you don’t make time to take care of yourself, you will forget.

There are a few things that you can do to take out the overwhelm and pressure. Here are some simple things you can do to build body confidence:

Appreciate Your Body

If you think about it, your body has carried you every day of your life.  Your body has gone through the ultra-marathon of pregnancy and birth. It didn’t stop needing care! Appreciate your body for what it’s done and what it’s going through right now. It is a lot of work! Not only is it working hard for you, but your kid’s health is only possible because you’ve been able to take care of them.

How can appreciating your body help you feel confident? By acknowledging your body’s amazing work, you are pushing out negative thoughts and self-doubt. Try this:

When you see yourself in a mirror or picture, catch yourself criticizing your body and shift into positive words. Try these affirmations (read, write, or say them out loud!)

  • I’m so grateful for my body. It takes care of me every day.

  • I nourish myself and appreciate my body for what it did for me!

  • It’s amazing what my body was created to do.

Take the focus off of weight

Feel free to ignore this part if your weight is not triggering or discouraging. But for most women, we have been judged or judged ourselves based on the number on the scale. Medically and from a fitness perspective, weight is only a measurement. It does not tell us anything about a person’s health, body composition of fat and muscle, or health habits. In fact, the BMI scale was created by the diet industry based on white males and tells us nothing about a person’s health or medical conditions.

How does the scale affect your confidence? Your weight, shape, and size of your body have nothing to do with your ability to be a mother. Taking care of yourself and giving yourself a healthy lifestyle will do far more than any number on a scale. Instead, increase your body confidence by focussing on how your body feels with the next few tips.

Often women crave their old body because it was what they knew. Give yourself permission to grieve the change. Your body might return to a familiar shape. It might not. You’re allowed to have feelings about this.

Change up Your Clothing

We have spent many years in a “bounce back” culture where women are expected to lose all the extra weight and shift back into their previous shape as if they were never pregnant at all. In reality, only a small percentage of the population can do it, and it’s largely genetics. I don’t say this to discourage you but to empower you. Your body went through a miraculous period where you grew a human, and it physically takes 18 months PLUS  for your organs to go back into place. On top of that, there is some permanent evidence, and it will NEVER be the same again. It is not possible to undo the effects of pregnancy on the body. Even your blood antibodies change after pregnancy, no matter how many weeks a person is pregnant. Isn’t that wild?

How will updating your wardrobe help you feel confident?  Taking the time to pick some new clothes that fit you now will give you a boost to see you look better in your new body. Focus more on your shape rather than your size. Chances are, your size and shape will change again in the next few years. Consider getting second-hand items if you are on a budget or value sustainable clothing. And get rid of old clothing in your closet that doesn’t make you feel good!

Do What Makes You Feel Good!

Similar to updating your wardrobe, wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself even if they don’t fit everyone else’s approval. Wear the dress with horizontal stripes because it’s comfortable. Wear maternity shorts because they feel so soft. No one else’s opinion matters but yours.

When it comes to activities, only participate in what you want to do. Spend time with your baby without feeling guilty about not doing other tasks around the house. Or, leave the baby with someone for a few hours (or overnight if you’re bottle feeding) and take a break.  And while we’re talking about taking breaks, rest whenever possible. Rest doesn’t always mean sleep. It could be just vegging in your pj’s or spending the day with people you are most comfortable with. Bottom line: Doing what feels good should fill your tank and help you manage your stress.

How will any of these ideas help you feel confident? Your mental health should come first. That means doing what feels good, taking breaks, and letting go of expectations. When you take care of yourself and your body, you will feel better in your body.

Exercise Can Help

It’s natural to want to shed these extra pounds that may appear, even if you are content in a plus-size body. However, as previously said, weight and health are not mutually exclusive.

How can exercise make you feel confident? Moving your body through intentional exercise will improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. The better you feel, the more natural confidence will flow. In fact, exercise is one of the key elements in maintaining mental health. Walking is the simplest and cheapest form of movement if you are able. I also recommend weight training, dancing, or getting in the water if possible. Don’t let being a plus size stop you from moving that beautiful body!

Being a mom is a lot of work and often takes priority over self-care.  As you navigate life with your tiny humans, give yourself grace and appreciate your body as it carries you through this season. I hope these tips will give you some courage to make time to invest in your body and give it some much-needed love. When struggling with body confidence, it is often a struggle between choosing your needs over everyone else’s. Give yourself permission to take priority. Taking care of yourself and making your health a priority does not mean “me first!”. It means “Me too!”.

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