Eric Schmitt-Matzen, a 60-year-old man recognized for his remarkable likeness to Santa Claus, frequently visits children in hospitals to spread joy. One particularly poignant encounter left an indelible mark on him. A nurse urgently contacted him regarding a critically ill 5-year-old boy whose final wish was to meet Santa. She implored him to come at once, even without his Santa attire, as time was of the essence.
Upon his arrival, Eric took a seat beside the boy, offering gentle comfort. “Did I hear that you’re going to miss Christmas?” he inquired, reassuring the child that he would not, and affectionately referring to him as his “favorite elf.” The boy’s face lit up with happiness as he struggled to open a gift—a PAW Patrol toy. Following this, he embraced Eric tightly and asked, “How will I know where I’m going?” Eric replied, “Tell them you’re Santa’s number one elf.”
Just moments later, the boy passed away in Eric’s arms. Overcome with sorrow, Eric handed the child to his mother, who entered the room in a state of heartbreak. This experience profoundly affected Eric, leading him to question his ability to continue embodying Santa.