HOUSTON (KTRK) — We all want to look and feel our best. Well, each week, we’re sharing five tips, five items, five products, five ingredients, five steps, five minutes to a more fabulous you, which is why we call it Five to Fab!!!
Let’s face it, the anti-aging market is huge for a reason. People want to look younger, and sometimes, looking older has nothing to do with our aging skin. Instead, how we apply our makeup can affect the way we look, whether we’re 21 or 71!

Tamika Fletcher with Natural Resources Salon and Earth’s Nectar came up with a beauty routine that works for any age and skin tone to give you a natural-looking and youthful glow.
1. Concealer: Skip a full face of foundation, and instead choose a concealer that matches your skin tone and blend under eyes and in areas where you want to disguise any blemishes or discoloration. I personal like to add concealer to my lids because they appear darker than the rest of my skin. You can add powder to set it.
2. Natural Lip Color: As we get older, a dark, bold lip can actually come across as harsh. Plus, depending on our lips, it can make them look small and even bleed into our skin. So, choose a light neutral pink shade that works with your skin tone. Either go for just gloss or a lipstick and gloss in a neutral pink.
3. Hair Powder: Thinning hair is a dead giveaway of our age. It can also be embarrassing and frustrating to deal with. For those of us with thinning hair, a hair powder in our hair color can easily be applied to make our hair look fuller and more youthful.
4. Contour Browns: Our eyebrows frame our face, so they’re a must-do when it comes to our make up application. Usually, a matte brow powder or shadow looks most natural. Choose a color a shade or two darker than your hair color.
5. Lashes: Just as our brows frame our face, our eye lashes frame our eyes. A good coat of mascara makes us look awake.
And talk about a youthful look! You’ll be a natural beauty in less than five minutes!