People Share Their Weird and Wonderful NYC Stories That Put Us in a New York State of Mind

When it comes to New York City, there are so many different types of people, cultures, and things happening at all times, which is part of the magic of what makes New York City, New York City. Considering that New York City is geographically an island, it makes sense that New Yorkers themselves might feel as though they act differently from other people. And no matter how hard you might try, there is no way to adequately sum up how it feels to actually call yourself a New Yorker. So we have brought in a little help to help fill in the gaps. Dan Saltzstein, food, dining, and travel U.S. Senior Editor at the New York Times called upon all New Yorkers to Tweet a response to “What’s the most New York that’s ever happened to you” and the responses will have you saying, “Only in New York”…

#1: Spanish Lesson On the Go

Is there anything more New York than being stuck in traffic or at some sort of standstill and you can’t do anything about it? Chances are that you are on the way to somewhere important and being held up probably isn’t helping calm down your nerves.

But then again, is there anything more New York than someone offering to help you with your homework when you are stuck on the subway? There always seems to be this confusing New york hospitality when you aren’t sure if someone is going to help you or hurt you.

#2: New York Hero

When you live in a specific climate, you get used to a specific type of weather and everything that comes along with its conditions. But when you are going on a vacation to an unfamiliar place, with somewhat of an unfamiliar climate, well, you might come across some hurdles.

And it is safe to say that the man that helped this family shelter their children from getting splashed by a taxi is used to dodging situations like these. But the fact that he got the timing absolutely perfectly is something out of a superhero comic book…

#3: Never Judge a Book By Its Cover

There are so many things that make New York City such a unique place. As an outsider looking in, you might feel threatened by the people that lurk in the streets at night, but little do you know that some of these people that seem “scary” aren’t scary at all.

It is almost as if this woman had a knight in not-so-shining armor watching her from across the street all this time in order to protect her. The wonderful thing about this story is that it teaches us to be a little less judgemental of people we don’t know.

#4: Next Stop: 34th Street

People say that they have never seen things quite as strange as the things that they have seen happen in New York City. In a city where traffic is so bad at all hours of the day, the people of New York would be nowhere without the help of the subway…

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And apparently, the animals of the city would be lost without the subway, too! Can you imagine getting on the subway and being casually joined by a rat that looked like he knew exactly what he was doing? You can imagine their surprise when the rat got off at 34th street like that was his intention all along.

#5: Just Your Average Wednesday

Over time, New York City has adopted the saying “The city that never sleeps”, well because, it really doesn’t. If you have ever visited New York, or you are in fact a New Yorker, then it is clear to you what this saying means and how it actually plays out in the day-to-day lives of people.

Well, if this story doesn’t sum it up then we don’t know what will. There are so many parts of this story that don’t seem to make sense, like the fact that it was 6:30 in the morning and a perfectly curated drag queen emerged from a manhole… But hey, that’s New York City for you.

#6: Softball and Margaritas

There is nothing quite like the feeling of playing a game of sports with your friends on a summer evening. Being with your friends and making memories is one of the best parts of life, and the only thing that could possibly make it better would be a nice, cold margarita.

Generally speaking, margaritas aren’t really the type of drink you just whip up in the park, but for this street vendor, it wasn’t an issue. This guy probably thought he was being so suave and cool asking for a margarita, but little did he know if you ask, you shall receive.

#7: And Stay Out

When it comes to New York City, many people will tell you how it is common to feel unsafe at certain hours of the day. In a city as big as New York, there are bound to be some bad guys out there. But don’t forget that there are also some good guys out there too…

Having someone drunkenly harass you is never fun, especially not in a closed space where you have nowhere to run. And that is why the world needs more men like this guy that quite literally picked this drunken man up and threw him out of the carriage at the next stop.

#8: Round and Round

Everyone knows that when it comes to the library, you aren’t allowed to bring food or drink inside, no matter the circumstances. Even if you are studying there all day, you need to take your food and drink outside and consume it there, because library books are sacred.

But this guy refused to give up his right to eat in the library and decided to eat his warm pretzel whilst running around the revolving door enough times until he finishes it. Because unfortunately, the guards at the public library do not care if it’s raining outside and you want to eat your hot pretzel.

#9: Is Lenny There?

Ever since smartphones became a thing, it seems like nobody uses payphones anymore. Payphones were this symbol of a period of time when no one had cell phones, and everyone had quarters on them. But now those days are gone for everyone except Lenny at the Bronx Zoo.

There is something so creepy about walking past a payphone and hearing it ring because how does the person on the other line know it’ll reach who it needs to reach? Luckily for Lenny, an elementary school kid walked past just in time to get the call.

#10: Movie Star Mover

A lot of people associate the entire United States with Hollywood and therefore think that there are always famous people walking around the streets. The entire United States isn’t just Hollywood, but people do come across famous people from time to time.

We know what you’re thinking, when did Woody Harrelson become a removalist… Just kidding, but seriously, that is Woody Harrelson moving a Wall Street Journal writer’s house plant. Is anyone else wondering how this particular event happened?

#11: Lights, Camera, Action!

New York is one of those iconic places that is constantly used in movies, television shows, and video clips. People want to see New York so bad that some directot=rs film their shows and films in other parts of the world and pretend that it is in fact, New York City.

So it only makes sense that you would be coming across different sets all the time if you lived in the city. You might even happen to ruin one of the shots for Law & Order, just by being in the elevator of your work building.

#12: Life Saving Party

When it comes to big parties, people don’t often say that they make you any healthier, or live any longer mainly because the things that go on at those sorts of parties do anything but that. But this woman has a party to thank for quite literally saving her life.

Not only did going to George Plimpton’s party make her late for work the next day, but she also met Paul McCartney at the same event! We have to say that these two occurrences make this party one of the best parties to ever go down in history.

#13: Road Rage

There are some people out there that struggle to see clarity in a frustrating situation and therefore tend to act out. But it is important to remember that the way you treat others is how others will treat you… And that saying will mean different things in different cities.

Can you imagine seeing a scene like this unfold in front of your eyes? It is almost as if there are too many things going on at once that it makes it impossible to concentrate on just one thing. Sure, no one deserves to get their car stolen, but no one deserves to get punched in the face because they cut someone off in traffic.

#14: Fancy Seeing You Here

Just like everywhere else in the world, people take their dogs and children for walks in the morning in New York, too. Most of the time these morning walks won’t be anything special, but every once in a while you might come across an incredible person.

Does Nelson Mandela count as an incredible person to you? It isn’t every day that you come across Nelson Mandela going for his morning walk in New York City of all places… Judging by this interaction, he truly was a wonderful man.

#15: You Can Trust Me

If you are a small business owner, then you know just how hard it can be to get your name out there sometimes. All it takes is for one person to see the potential in you and you will have more opportunities than you ever thought imaginable…

Can you imagine getting a call from someone you haven’t met before asking you to bartend a high-profile party, and it turns out that it is Beyonce and Jay-Z’s wedding? I’m sorry, but how do Beyonce and Jay-Z not already have a trusted bartender?

#16: The Christmas Spirit

It is always nice to give back to people that are less fortunate than you, but there are certain times of the year when it is extra appreciated. The holidays are some of the most stressful times of the year and having a little bit of extra help can go a long way.

There is something very special about seeing celebrities that the time out of their schedules to give back to the less fortunate than themselves. And seeing Michael J Fox and his son trying to find people to help for the holidays is one of those things that warm your heart.

#17: Worthwhile Charity

There are so many different charities out there that you can choose to donate to that it can become overwhelming just choosing one. And sometimes all it takes is for a representative of a specific charity to come and meet you face-to-face in order to speak about working together.

We know that the United Negro Pastrami Sandwich Fund isn’t a real charity, but the way that this man handled himself and the way that this family created is too beautiful not to speak about. This man managed to take the awkwardness out of an impossible situation.

#18: Go Get ‘Em Grandma

When you are young, you think that older people don’t have much going for them and that they also don’t feel certain attractions in the same way that you do. Well, if this story about Chelsea grandmothers, making sewing patterns all day doesn’t change your mind, we don’t know what will.

We know that it might make some people feel a little strange, but there is nothing wrong with older people finding people attractive. Sure, it might seem funny, but they all lead similar lives to the ones we currently do lead. Grab your binoculars and enjoy, ladies!

#19: Twin Cats

There are some people out there that adore their pets so much that they truly can not live without them. And when something unimaginable happens to them, they muster up all the courage they possibly can and move on with their lives.

But when it comes to different people and their pets, everyone has their own terms of endearment for their beloved animals. Most people go for the traditional names, but it is no surprise to find out that an older New Yorker used to call her cat by rather crude names…

#20: Are You Gonna Answer That?

When it comes to New York City, it is best to never be surprised when you see someone doing something strange or acting strange. The city is filled with many weird and wonderful people, and it is best to just embrace all of these quirks instead of shy away from them.

Can you imagine if this woman didn’t end up looking up that day on the subway? She would have missed out on what is no doubt her best New York subway story ever. We also would have been very confused as to how someone would have gotten cell reception back then…

#21: I’m Not Finished…

There is nothing more annoying than when you feel like someone is freeloading off of you. Whether they are doing it intentionally or not, it can feel very frustrating considering that you are the one that has gone to all the hard work to do whatever it is they are trying to take from you.

If you are going to read someone else’s paper whilst they are also reading it, you probably shouldn’t stop them from turning the page. You could at least say something and use your words instead of blocking the rightful owner of the newspaper from flipping the page.

#22: You’re Not From Around Here

Some places in the world have a very distinct culture, which in turn impacts people’s behaviors. And depending on where you are from, you are probably going to mimic these behaviors whether you intentionally do it or not.

So how do you pick a tourist out in the crowd in New York? You find those people that are waiting to be served. You aren’t ever going to find a New Yorker waiting around to be seated or given service… New Yorkers are going to demand that they will be seen.

#23: An Ode to New York

The song would have been a lot less romantic if those were the lyrics, but a lot more accurate. New York City is always depicted in songs, movies, and pop culture as a romantic, mysterious, over-the-top place where anything and everything can happen. Movies and songs rarely ever depict the other side of the city.

Sure, there are a lot of great things about NYC, it’s a city full of possibilities, but it’s also ridiculously expensive and sometimes depressing. Of course, no one wants to write a song about that, so the people of Twitter took it upon themselves to spread the truth about NYC.

#24: Only in NYC

There are a lot of things you can see only in NYC- this whole list is dedicated to those things! If you want to tell someone you’re in NYC without telling them you’re in NYC, you can send them this picture. Only in NYC will you see an object in a plastic wrap that looks just like a body with the writing “not a body”.

This is beyond suspicious, but for some reason, we believe this isn’t a body. Considering this was taken in NYC, this could be so many different things, from a movie prop to furniture. In any other city in the world, it would be alarming seeing something like this, but in NYC, it’s probably just another Tuesday.

#25: NYC Public Transportation, Everyone

Wherever there are subways, there are subway delays. Right? Not necessarily. In some cities around the world, the subway is always on time. NYC is not one of these places. If you’ve ever lived in NYC, you must have experienced some subway delays. Hey, at least they can laugh about it.

Buses aren’t better, either. But if you’re tired of subway delays and looking for something new, you can check out the buses. It can be very frustrating when you’re in a hurry or just want to get home after a long day and there’s a delay on the bus or subway. It’s even more frustrating knowing there’s nothing we can do about it- so we might as well laugh.

#26: It’s Goat To See You

Have you ever heard someone say that “Now I have seen it all”? Well, if you spend a week in New York City, we promise you that you will be saying the exact same sentence. Because the things that you see happening on the street, are some the strangest things ever.

This would be a good example of when you could say “Now I’ve seen it all” because you probably aren’t going to ever see a group of goats getting into a taxi in the middle of winter in New York City ever again. Why would anyone be transporting goats in New York?

#27: Snakes On the Subway

One of the best things about New York City is that you never know where your day will take you. You could be walking to work, bump into a friend, or be on the subway and see something you have never seen before…

When we said that thing about being on the subway, we didn’t mean have a snake crawl up your leg and almost bite you. But hey, that’s all just part of that New York City charm. And the fact that the snake owner didn’t even apologize or act like it was weird, was ever more “New York” than anything.

#28: Taking Requests

Sometimes there are things that happen in the area where you live that are a little strange, but you don’t question too much, because it’s all just part of the charm. And when it comes to New York City, this type of thing happens in every neighborhood at all hours of the day and night.

Sure, New York is a major city where a lot of things happen all the time, but hearing someone play the bagpipes at 11 pm in a park is somewhat of a strange occurrence. I mean, if this were the suburbs then this person would have been escorted to the people station by now for public disturbance…

#29: Excuse Me?

When you are in a new city, there is no doubt that you are going to be getting lost quite a few times. Just remember that there is no shame in asking someone for directions when you need to because we have all been lost at one point or another in our lives.

And what better way to find your footing than to be directed by none other than the queen of music herself, Cher? Can you imagine thinking that you are asking a random person on the street for directions, but when this person turns around it is an incredibly famous singer?

#30: Free Rug

Is there anything better than finding free furniture on the street when you are a college student? At that period of time, no one is investing in nice furniture or decorative pieces for their dorm rooms. So finding something up for grabs on the street is one of the best things ever.

But just remember whatever you are taking off of the street had a whole life before you found it… And that is what these college roommates discovered shortly after they unrolled what they thought was going to be a great new rug for the living room.

#31: Quick Favor…

When you were younger, chances are that you were told to steer clear of all vans at all times, because weird and scary things would often happen inside of them. And whilst this is true, there are many, many strange things that still happen in them, but with adults.

If we were this person, we would probably never walk next to a van ever again. There are so many strange parts to this story that it gets crazier the more you try and understand. Not only is it lunchtime on a workday, but this is also on Park Avenue…

#32: Freshly Washed Hair

As great as New York City is, there are some things that no matter how quirky people think they are, the city could do without. It is definitely important that every city has something special to offer its residents and tourists, but there are other things that just put a damper on things.

And getting peed on by a man when you are walking out of the subway is probably one of those things. We’re pretty sure that no one would miss this man and his peeing fiascos at the Times Square subway station steps.

#33: Lesson Learned

When you’re a kid, there are so many things that you have either learned, are learning, or will learn about. Being a child is a wonderful time where there is so much wonder and little boundaries to your wild imagination. And some learning curbs are very, very important.

What better way to learn about right from wrong than with real-life experiences folding out right in front of you? This whole ordeal might have been a little scary for a 6-year-old, but we are 100% that she is never going to think about stealing anything, ever.

#34: Can I Have a Photo?

They say that the craziest things happen when you take a chance on something, no matter how big or small that thing might be. None of us know where our lives will lead us until we take chances, and who wants to know exactly what their life is going to look like?

This man thought he would try his luck and ask television great, Joan Rivers for a photo. And if he hadn’t asked her for that photo, he would have never found himself working for such an influential woman in the entertainment industry. Sometimes it pays to take chances…

#35: Starstruck on the Subway

When you live in a place like New York City, you are bound to come across celebrities every now and again. But the thing is, you don’t want to be the type of person who makes a big commotion, or even acknowledges when you see a celebrity in public.

We gotta admit, riding on the subway with someone as famous as Mandy Patinkin and not saying anything is kind of a big deal. The collective code that was somehow formed on the subway that night not to say anything is what New York is all about. And so is the fact that someone quoted The Princess Bride…

#36: *Ross Geller Voice* My Sandwich?!

When it comes to New York, you always hear these crazy stories where people do these wild things to absolute strangers. I know what you’re thinking, “Why would anyone want to live in this crazy place”? What would life be without a little bit of crazy?

I’ve gotta admit, having someone come up to you whilst you are sitting in a restaurant and quite literally take half of your sandwich would be very weird. Not only would it be weird, but annoying too since you probably wanted to finish that sandwich yourself.

#37: No Special Treatment

The thing about New York City is that you are first and foremost a New Yorker no matter who you are. And there are certain unspoken agreements that every New Yorker holds true, no matter how great or how famous they might be.

And pushing to the front of the line just because you are Rosie O’Donnell isn’t cool… Even though New Yorkers can also be really pushy and entitled, you know not to do something like this, especially when there is a line full of people also waiting to get into a venue.

#38: A Good Samaritan

There are some things about living in a big city that have the potential to deter people from wanting to live there. The hustle and bustle of the big, bad city are enough to make anyone with a family run to the suburbs. But every now and again, something happens that reminds you about the magic of New York.

Traveling around with a stroller on and off public transportation can be a lot for one person to have to deal with. So when someone offers to help you, it is a very kind gesture. But usually, they hang around long enough for you to thank them. But in true New York fashion, this good samaritan walked away without needing a thank you.

#39: Everything Has a Price

If there is one thing about New York City that everyone can agree on, it is that Broadway is still as glamorous and wonderful as ever. The number of different shows constantly on offer is incredible and truly allows everyone to find the right show for them.

But something even more New York than going to see a Broadway show is talking during a Broadway show. Everyone has their two cents of what they think about everything in New York, and one way or another, you are going to hear about it.

#40: That New York Smell…

Every city has a unique smell, and this Tom Siedell depicted the smell of NYC perfectly. It’s a unique combination of burnt meat, sweat, fumes, and pizza that creates the distinct smell of the city. In short, you could say it smells like the city converted the heat from the sun into a smell.

People who live in NYC would be able to relate. Some people like this smell – partly because they’re used to it – and others can’t stand it. What does your city smell like? If you really put your mind to it, you would be able to identify the distinct smell of your city.

#41: Put it in Reverse

Is there anyone where else in the world that is as synonymous with the yellow taxi cab as much as New York City? When you think about it, taxis are almost what makes the city function… If you ever need to get anywhere, New York taxi drivers will know how to get you there.

We’re not sure if this woman was putting pressure on her taxi driver to think smarter, but either way, he decided to reverse at 40 miles an hour down the street to get them out of a situation. Call this taxi driver whatever you want, but he is nothing if not a true New Yorker.

#42: Magical Moments

A lot of people say that there is something magical about New York City, but there is no way of truly describing the feeling. Perhaps only once you have experienced something magical take place in New York City, can you really understand the feeling…

This moment would have been cool if it happened anywhere else, but it was magical because it occurred in New York. When you approach a celebrity or famous person, it isn’t always clear whether they will be nice and patient, but Robert F. Kennedy certainly was.

#43: Cutting the Lox Line

There are some things that couldn’t be more “New York” if they tried. Think along the lines of bagels and lox or a thick pastrami sandwich from Katz’s deli. These types of foods have become a staple in the New York diet for generations, so having contact on the inside is rather valuable.

Can you imagine not having to wait in line on a busy Sunday morning in New York City for lox? This guy may as well be the Prince of England with this type of treatment… It might not have been intentional, but this really sure knows how to pick his girlfriends. For all those wondering, “Meeskite” means “ugly” in Yiddish…

#44: Check or Schlep?

When it comes to New York vocabulary, there are some words that are constantly used today that are the result of cultural influence. New York City is nothing if not a melting pot of many different people and cultures all living in harmony (and sometimes not) together.

And being asked if you want o check-in or schlep your bag with you whilst arriving at a very French restaurant couldn’t be any more, New York. Usually, one is greeted at these kinds of places with the heaviest of French accents and spoken to with the utmost respect. But instead, the host asked a patron if he would like to schlep his bag…

#45: Sorry About This…

If there is anything we have learned from television shows and movies about New York City, it is that there is a very big chance that one day you are going to get mugged on the street. This might be an over-exaggeration, but we have heard a lot of stories that speak truth to this…

But the thing about a New York City style mugging is that the person who mugs you might actually be sorry that they are doing it. This guy thought he would lie down on a park bench after doing his chemotherapy but ends up getting his possession taken off him. At least they were sorry for doing it…

#46: Make it Stop

For all of the great things New York City has to offer, like anything, it also has its downfalls. I mean, it is impossible for a whole city to be absolutely wonderful, right? Well, don’t you worry, you are about to have that New York style, rude awakening…

Like any major city, New York has a rat problem. Usually, these rats lurk in alleyways and sometimes find their way into your home. But never before has anyone seen a rat puke… This story is absolutely frightening on a whole new level, because who knew that rats could even do that…

#47: The Truth Hurts

There are so many reasons why New York City is one of the greatest cities in the world, but the main one is because of its complete love for art and artists alike. No matter what kind of artist you are, it might lead you to New York City if you have a dream.

Being able to take your son to Met on a casual weekend is a pretty great thing to be able to do. Not only do you get to show your child the great artists of the world, but you also get to educate him on how not to be annoying by telling him lies about famous artists.

#48: Little Girls Know Best

Native New Yorkers will always be able to tell when an out-of-towner comes to visit purely based on how they are acting, talking, or ordering food. New Yorkers do all of these things in very specific ways. So if you are coming from out of town, try and fit in as much as you possibly can…

Can you imagine being schooled by a little girl behind you in a Pizza shop? To be fair, she wasn’t trying to make him feel stupid, all she did was help him. How is this poor guy meant to know that a cheese pizza is called a plain slice of pizza in New York?

#49: Only in New York…

When you come to New York City for a holiday, you have to be prepared to come across some weird things. As much as it is a great place to come with your family, you also have to keep an eye out for strange things that can happen at any moment…

And having your 6-year-old point out to you that he can see a naked guy standing on the roof of the building next to your hotel is one of those strange times. Not only is this a weird thing to see, but it is even weirder to have your young child point it out to you.

#50: So, What’s It Like in Hollywood?

Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to keep a celebrity couple company at a friend’s Christmas party? Yeah, probably not. But when you live in New York City, you never know who your friends are friends with…

If we were friends with Tina Fey and her husband, we would definitely tell our friends. Can you imagine walking into your friend’s New Year’s Ever party dumbfounded to find Hollywood humor royalty sitting on the couch? A little heads up next time, thanks.

#51: Thanks For Saving My Life

When it comes to New York, there are so many things happening all at once that it can be hard to keep up sometimes. Whether it is the weather, the traffic, or even the sheer amount of people that are trying to go about their days, New York is always busy.

Have you ever wondered why superhero films are always based n New York City? It’s because real-life superheroes lurk the streets every day, saving people from horrible accidents and not needing a thank you. Just kidding, but this woman got seriously lucky.

#52: Those Were the Days…

New York City is one of those places where so many magical, frightening and historical things happened. And although these things might no longer exist, the knowledge that they once did is enough to allow their spirit to live on.

Anyone who was anyone was invited to party at Studio 54 between 1977 and 1980… So to have actually experienced the magic that it was in real life is very cool. Can you imagine not only being in the same room as Michael Jackson but learning the Thriller dance from him?

#53: Just Trying to Help

There is nothing older people find more annoying than cocky youngsters taking over their once, great streets. But as time goes on, people need to learn to live in a community together, no matter how challenging it might be. Whatever you do, just don’t condescend to people that are older than you…

We can only imagine how frustrating this must have been for these two older men, but perhaps they didn’t find it condescending at all. After all, this young man was only trying to help what he thought were two old German guys who needed some assistance with English food labels.

#54: Respect Your Elders

If you live in a busy city, you know just how hard it can be to get from place to place on public transport. The transport options might be great, but the lack of frequent trains, buses, and trams means that peak hour travel times are going to be a little tight…

Usually, this is fine, but when you have a little old lady who is being squished between lots of different people complaining about a newspaper touching her, you know there is an issue. To be fair, it must feel frustrating not feeling like society sees you…

#55: Don’t Go Hitchhiking

From a young age, we are all taught not to talk to strangers and certainly not accept any sort of vehicle transportation offered by a stranger, no matter how much you might need it. There is always going to be another option you can take… It sounds like someone should have told these two people about that specific common knowledge…

Sure, this might have been the most New York thing ever done by someone, but it was also incredibly dangerous. The guy turned out to be completely normal and even gave them cab money to get home because after realizing what these two girls had done, he was a little bit freaked out.

#56: Calm Down, Man

Have you ever been in a situation that you had deemed dangerous, but the other people around you thought everything was business as usual? This kind of thing tends to happen in major cities, especially when people have become used to the hustle and bustle of everything going on around them, whilst newer residents tend to notice outliers.

Perhaps that was what happened in this situation because, apparently, this person was being way too intense… Can you imagine being told to calm down after helping a complete stranger from not getting run over by a car? As crazy as this is, it is also the most New York thing ever.

#57: Makes Total Sense

If you have ever been to New York, then you know what it can be like getting stuck in a conversation with someone from New York. Most of the time, it’s probably going to feel like any other conversation, but then there are other times when someone says something that sounds so not like something someone from anywhere would say…

And this particular conversation between this man and his friend, and incredibly famous singer, Patti Smith, is exactly the kind of conversation we’re talking about. How can Patti Smith hate “chick singers” when she is a chick singer herself?

#58: Well-Deserved Tip

When it comes to eating at a restaurant, there are certain things that you expect from the service. In most cases, you expect that the food you expected will be the food that you order, the service will be good, and that you won’t have any sort of run-in with an animal…

Seeing as New York City is literally home to the rats, it only makes sense that this kind of thing happens from time to time. We’re not saying it’s a good thing, especially not in a restaurant, but it’s New York… Considering that the wait staff dealt with this in 6 seconds, it only seems fitting that this man gave them a 100% tip at the end of the night.

#59: Family Secrets

There is nothing quite as entertaining or juicy as finding out an old family secret. For some reason, we all tend to believe that our families are the most normal, but often there is so much more than just meets the eye. And this particular New York story proves that…

There are just some New York conversations that you can’t make up, and this is one of them. As soon as people get to New York, all of a sudden, they begin opening up and talking about all of their issues, stories, and trauma. New York just has this way of making people open up.

#60: Oh, Hey, Sinead

Considering that New York City is home to some of the most famous people in the world, it only makes sense that people meet celebrities from time to time. It might not be an everyday occurrence, but it certainly does happen to lots of people throughout their time living in the greatest city in the world…

There is nothing quite as creepy and dumbfounding as this situation. Can you imagine singing a song by an artist and then bumping into them a few minutes later in Tompkins Square Park? Things like this make you realize just how small this world is of ours…

#61: Congratulations!

As great of a city as New York is, it certainly has its downfalls, just like anywhere else. One of the big issues in New York has always been the relatively high crime rate. It seems like everyone knows someone who has either been mugged on the street or had their apartment broken into. The people try and get to the bottom of it…

This guy thought he was doing something good and being an upstanding citizen… But unfortunately for him, he had just ruined an incredibly sensitive sting operation. We’re sure that the police were annoyed with this man, but they couldn’t be too mad, considering he was trying to do the right thing.

#62: Just in Time for Broadway

There are certain things and experiences that are unique to the city of New York. Whether it be a type of food, the way people treat you on the subway, or the way someone dresses, New York is filled with new Yorkers. But sometimes, these New York behaviors are even too much for New Yorkers themselves…

Why would anyone think that this is an ok thing to do? Even if they were absolutely needing to go to the bathroom, surely they could have relieved themselves somewhere else that wouldn’t end up in the hair of an innocent bystander? No one wants to go to Broadway with pee in their hair.

#63: That is So 2000

When it comes to the early 2000s, there is no denying just how different the world was… From the way people dressed to the way they thought, everything was just so incredibly different. But don’t worry, the way people partied and enjoyed their lives was similar.

Just reading this Tweet proves how different the time was, and if you don’t know how Monica Lewinsky is, then you prove our point. Reading this Tweet makes us feel like we have time-traveled back to the past and somehow landed ourselves in the best city at the best time.

#64: How is That Ok?

There is no denying that when it comes to the hospitality industry, people are often treated incredibly badly. Whether it is customers or their own managers that make them feel worthless, it is a common experience many people working as waiters, hosts, and chefs feel daily.

Sure, this person might be famous and therefore expects a certain level of attention or service, but that doesn’t mean that she can do whatever she wants. So many hospitality workers have to deal with things like this all of the time, and it’s time it came to an end.

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