Ingrown toenails, toenail funguses and other painful nail problems are easy to avoid when you follow a few tips. You can learn to love your feet again when you take the proper.
The following is a list of basic things you can do to take care of or improve the condition of your toenails. We want you to be proud to show them off in sandals this year.
Tips to Healthier Toenails:
1. Toenails are made up of the protein, keratin. If you are eating a well-balanced diet, they should grow and develop well. Make sure you consume a diet rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. This will not only improve the appearance of your toenails but will also improve your hair and fingernails.
2. Bathe your feet daily. Doing so promotes healthy nails. Wash them each day with a mild anti-bacterial soap that offers a neutral pH value. Wash using a gentle massaging motion to clean, disinfect and restore blood circulation. This helps promote healthy nail growth.
3. Dry your feet and toes thoroughly. This will help reduce instances of certain fungal infections that like to grow in warm, moist places.
4. About once a month, trim your toenails with sharp, quality toenail scissors or clippers. Remember that how you cut your toenails is important. Cut them straight across, never around the top. Do not cut them too short or too round or you will encourage ingrown toenails.
5. Once you have trimmed your nails, apply a mild antiseptic foot powder. Gently massage it into your feet and toes. Consider using apple cider vinegar on your toenails daily to help ward off many of the common fungal infections.
6. Properly fitting footwear is essential. Always make sure to wear the proper footwear for the occasion to avoid causing any trauma to your toenails. For healthy toenails wear socks and shoes that fit right. Make sure that socks are clean and change them daily when you clean your feet. Wool socks are perhaps the best natural fiber to have next to your skin. Make sure that the socks are not tight and do not cut off circulation to the toes. Additionally, you should make sure that shoes do not fit too tight because they can also promote problems.
7. Whenever it is possible, go for a barefoot stroll through the sand. This will give your feet and your toes a gentle massage and will exfoliate any dead skin from them. It will allow time for your toenails to breathe and, the water will work as a natural deodorant.
8. Indulge yourself and get a foot massage. This will increase the blood circulation around your toes and will promote healthy nail growth. Use a foot cream with a mild antiseptic or an all-natural foot cream with aloe vera.
9. Wear sandals instead of closed shoes whenever you can to promote healthy nail growth.
10. If you are in a public shower, locker room, pool or other indoor place, wear flip-flops or non-slip shower shoes. Keep your feet from coming in contact with the floor. This will help prevent you from coming in contact with certain bacteria that can cause fungal infections.
If you follow the above tips, you will have healthy toenails that you will be proud to show off. You will decrease your chance of developing a fungal infection or causing trauma to your nails. Trauma of your toenails can be very unpleasant. It can take up to a year for the nail on the big toe to grow back if it falls off due to trauma.
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