How I finally helped ease my 19-year back pain with 1 simple secret 

Sometime in my 50’s my back started hurting. 

I tried to wait it out, but when it didn’t stop, I started making doctor appointments.

One specialist after another either played down my pain as “Simply part of getting old…”

…Or tried to sell me on 5-figure surgeries that “might” help. 

Needless to say, as the pain got worse, I wasted a small fortune looking for relief…

The scans, the x-rays, the stupid exercises–I did it all.

But the one thing I never got? 

An actual answer for why this was even happening to me in the first place.

I’d always taken care of myself, walked daily, and stayed in good shape…

But it’s not like I ever got into extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving.

Yet somehow, here I was in my 50s with my body giving out on me. 

As years went by and I got worse, my world started to shrink until I had no social life at all…

You can only cancel plans with friends so many times before they stop inviting you to things…

And you can only miss so many soccer games and dance recitals before your grandkids start wondering if you even care.

My pain had trapped me.

When I pictured retirement, I had always imagined that my husband and I would enjoy doing MORE of the things we loved—not less.

Taking family vacations… Making memories with the people we loved most… Traveling and fulfilling our “bucket list” together.

Instead, I spent a lot of time feeling lonely and depressed…on top of being in pain.

Most days my back kept me stuck inside, in front of the TV watching boring daytime talk shows.

Then at night I’d try to go to sleep, only to toss and turn.

And it just got worse.

Eventually it wasn’t just my back—my knee and shoulder were also giving me trouble.

Then one day, it all became too much to bear any longer.

I’ll never forget it: I was standing in my foyer, getting ready to go to yet another doctor’s appointment, when I realized I couldn’t even bend over to slip on my shoes.

Luckily, just as I was about to give up, my son came to my rescue. 

You see, while watching me struggle through all this pain over the years, my son Chad was inspired to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

As I was approaching my breaking point, Chad’s practice was just starting to take off.

He even specialized in helping older adults overcome chronic pain with research-backed natural treatments.

So he asked me to try something NEW that was working miracles for his own pain patients. 

He explained that none of my doctors’ treatments were aimed at the REAL REASON I was in pain.

And that he’d discovered that by taking just this one special nutrient, many of his patients (some in even worse shape than me) were helping to recover from nagging pain, improving their mobility, and getting back to enjoying activities they’d had to give up. 

Then he gave me a jar of this flavorless powder and told me to simply add two scoops of it to any beverages I liked—each and every day.

Now, Chad knows I’m always hesitant when it comes to supplements, so he got pretty serious and said, “Mom, just take this every single day and it will help you.” so I promised I’d try.

Well, let me just say, that was the best promise I ever made.

Because after taking this powder for only a few days…

I woke up one morning feeling better than I had in over a decade. 

Now, the pain in my back was still there, but it had faded way into the background.

I stretched out in bed and couldn’t believe what I was feeling—and what I wasn’t feeling.

Before I got out of bed, I readied myself for the daily pang in my knee I got each morning, but to my astonishment, I stood without even a twinge of pain.

My heavy morning stiffness? It wasn’t there either.

Then, when I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I could swear my skin looked smoother too.

Which, at the time, I just chalked up to the good sleep I’d had the night before.

Needless to say, I called Chad in disbelief and asked him how any of this was even possible.

That’s when he told me all about the powder I was taking.

You see, Chad had given me a very special type of collagen powder.

He explained that collagen is the most abundant protein in the body.

It is the essential building block of our muscles, bones, tendons, joints, ligaments, skin, hair, nails…even our blood vessels and eyes.

Collagen provides strength, hydration, and elasticity to pretty much every tissue in the body. 

In fact, our bones are a whopping 90% collagen.

And it turns out that having plenty of collagen is also why our skin is so smooth and supple when we’re young.

But Chad said that starting around age 30, our collagen begins breaking down faster than we can make it.



Amount of Collagen 















As our levels continue to drop over the years, we can see it and feel it in a million little ways.

From stiff muscles, creaky joints, and bone loss—to dull, dry sagging skin, and brittle hair and nails.

That’s why replenishing our collagen can have such dramatic results.

After talking to Chad I was really excited about what else I could look forward to…

So I kept up with taking my collagen and as weeks went on, my back, knee, and shoulder pain all continued to improve

Which helped me sleep better at night and have more energy during the day.

I started getting out of the house again, seeing old friends who would demand to know what I was doing to get my skin so smooth and youthful.

Pretty soon, I got so busy with life, I didn’t even notice

The Day My 19-year Pain Was Finally Eased.

One day, Chad popped by to see how I was feeling and I realized I couldn’t even tell him the last time I was in pain.

And to my surprise, it’s hasn’t come back!

That’s why today, even all these years later, I call this powder my “Fountain of Youth” and refuse to go a single day without it.

After seeing so many life-changing improvements with me and his patients, my son, Dr. Chad Walding, wanted to make sure others had access to this special collagen powder too.

That’s how NativePath Collagen was born and would go on to become the most trusted source for the highest quality, grass-fed collagen for thousands of Americans.

What Is NativePath Collagen?

Put simply, NativePath Collagen is the finest collagen supplement available today.

It’s made exclusively from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows, and produced using a proprietary method that makes it easier to absorb.

That way the collagen can deliver all its rejuvenating support—right where it’s needed.

NativePath Collagen is the only collagen in the world made to Dr. Chad Walding’s exacting standards for purity and potency.

That’s why it’s free of artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners.

It’s also non-GMO and gluten-free. Putting it in a class all its own.

The NativePath Secret: Full Body Rejuvenation

You see, the key to collagen is getting the purest forms of Type I and Type III collagen. And that’s where NativePath is completely different than just about anything else on the market.

It combines both Type I and Type III collagen and is enzymatically hydrolyzed.

That’s a big word that just means the collagen is broken down into smaller peptides.

These tiny peptides are then better absorbed and easier for your body to put to use.

Used regularly, the hydrolyzed peptides in NativePath Collagen may actually help ease back, joint, muscle and tendon issues, support strong bones, better mobility, muscle strength, smoother skin, and so much more.

How NativePath Collagen helps:

1. Supports Joint, Bone, and Muscle Health—NativePath Collagen is made with hydrolyzed collagen peptides, which have been shown to promote joint, bone, and muscle health.

2. Supports Healthy Inflammation—Inflammation is a major cause of body pain. Clinical studies have shown that collagen helps improve inflammation and discomfort.

3. Helps Improve Mobility—Mobility is key to living an active and independent life. Collagen is a key supporter of both mobility and flexibility.  

4. Tested Ingredients—NativePath Collagen is made with 100% lab tested ingredients, so you can feel good about what you’re putting in your body.

Get Your Best Life Back With NativePath

The creator of NativePath Collagen (my son, Dr. Chad Walding) is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, and he explains how to best use NativePath Collagen:

“NativePath Collagen is designed to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to promote joint, bone, and full-body health. For best results, take it daily and follow a healthy diet and exercise routine.”

I’ve personally been using NativePath Collagen since the day Chad gave me my first jar—and I’ll never go a day without it now. 

For me, it’s been life-changing. But you don’t have to take it from me, just look at…

What THOUSANDS of other folks are saying about NativePath collagen…

“I am so very happy with Native Path collagen! My 6 jar journey has been nothing short of miraculous. My shoulder and neck pain are so much better! Gratefully now that I’m no longer in so much pain, my mobility is amazing. Thank you NativePath for making this 60+ woman feel young again!” 

— Valerie C.

“I went yesterday to see my orthopedic doctor for an update on my knees, great news! I contribute a lot of it to my NativePath Collagen that I’ve been using since July. Also I have reduced pain, and will be going dancing again this weekend!” — Nixa H.

“I use it everyday, and the pain I had in my knee is so much less. It’s helped my friend too!” 

— Sarah P.

“This is the best stuff ever. I have been using this for 4 months. I love that it helps my joints. My hair is also so much healthier.” — Jocelyn P.

“Fountain of Youth! This product is my must have! I fell through no fault of my own and give credit to my collagen that continues to help my healing!” — Sandra M.  

Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.

How Much Does It Cost?

When my friend tried to buy NativePath Collagen, she had to wait over a week before they got more in stock, and then she had to pay full price at $37.99.

She told me she’d happily pay double or triple that now that she knows how well this stuff works.

You might be luckier than she was though, because right now NativePath is running an exclusive deal for new customers, and the price is only $21. 

That’s nearly 50% OFF! If the stock is still there, I strongly suggest you snatch up a few jars.

Best of all, your purchase from NativePath is 100% backed by their risk-free 365-day money-back guarantee.

So you have a full year to see how well it works. 

Is NativePath Collagen Worth It?

YES, and it’s easy to see why.

NOTHING is more important than your mobility, especially as you age. Once your mobility goes, it’s all over. 

Take it from me and don’t learn the hard way like I had to. 

You can feel great and get back to living a life you love. Retirement rocks now!

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