Beach Volleyball is the Real Deal
Beach volleyball is a team sport played on the beach by two or more players per team. However, the nature of the sport makes it easier to stumble and fall as you reach for the ball, as it’s hard to stabilize your feet on the ground. The sand court is usually divided by a net, so if any falls occur, they are likely to be between teammates.
That was the case in this picture, as Spain’s Elsa Baquerizo crashed into teammate Liliana Baquerizo during the women’s beach volleyball match against Italy in 2012. With only two players on the court, you have to wonder how they managed to stumble.
Men Will Always Be Men
Children can be so innocently amusing at times. Their actions can leave you laughing, especially when they are captured in photos with precise timing. For example, look at this young boy who was probably taking a photo with his favorite cheerleader, but he couldn’t resist peeping into her bra.

While most people may assume that he was looking at her breasts because he’s a boy, you’d be surprised to find out that most children, male and female, are naturally fascinated by breasts even after they stop breastfeeding. In his case, it was amusing to see, but you can only wonder what would happen if he were a fully grown man.
Cheerleader Reflected
You’d better get your glasses on for this unbelievable illusion, as it requires a second look to determine what is really happening. At first glance, you’d think that this is the image of two cheerleaders that has been reflected in a mirror, but you have to look at it in detail to see the reality.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, there are four cheerleaders, with two of them carrying the other two. Interestingly, none of them are twins, but their smiles and the make-up make it hard to differentiate. The illusion must have been unintentional, but if it was, they perfectly nailed it.
Say Cheese!
Everyone dreams of holidays and getting away from their normal surroundings all year long. However, have you ever gone on a vacation only to come back and realize that some of your holiday photos are not as epic as you thought they’d be? We guess that’s what these girls will be thinking when they see this.

These ladies were probably having a good time, and they decided to take some snaps when something interrupted. They felt something on their backs, and from the expressions on their faces, they were terrified. Maybe the manta ray just wanted a hug, but this photo is definitely not one for the album.
Eyes on the Camera!
Family photos are usually the best. From a hilarious dad posing in the weirdest ways to children who don’t seem interested in the photo like the rest of the family, you can expect to see all the funny things in a family photo. However, it looks like this photo exceeds our expectations.

First, you have to wonder about their attire. The woman is either overdressed or the boys are underdressed. Whatever the case, it seems like they are not heading to the same event. And what is the boy in a blue shirt staring at? Maybe the weird strap on the woman’s dress really caught his eye.
Is That Your…? Nevermind
Some photos are just so innocent, depending on how you look at them. At first glance, most people would see the lady in this photo trying to flaunt her incredible bust while the camera captures her from above. These kinds of photos are common at this age, so there seems to be nothing odd about it.

Taking a closer look, anyone would be embarrassed to actually fall for this illusion. The lady is actually squatting, with her knees reaching her chest and making it look like her bust is exposed. From her smirk, you can tell that she may have planned to have the illusion captured.
Now That’s a Costume!
In sports, you’re guaranteed to get full entertainment both on and off the pitch. One of the most interesting sports to watch is Olympic figure skating. Athletes in this position are undeniably talented and dedicated to their craft. However, if you followed them around while they were skating, you would most likely capture some hilarious photos, such as this one.

This is a photo of German ice skaters Nelli Zhiganshina and Alexander Gazsi at their ice dance event, and it looks scandalous. Their craft routines are based on a flirtatious relationship between a professor and a younger colleague, and you just have to love their performances, and outfits too.
What Are You Looking At?
Whether you’re in the stands or on the field, you’re bound to witness some epic moments that will leave you cracking your ribs. It looked like this lady was not going to entertain anyone or anything. It’s normal for things to get heated in the stands, especially when fans from different teams are mixed together.

We can only wonder what this lady was saying to the guy behind her, as she seems pretty annoyed. And why does she have her hands on top of her breasts? Whether it was an argument or the man did something to her, she was having none of it.
Wait, Let Me Fix This
Most of the time, the best moments in sports are the ones that were unexpected, and there sure are many of those. One of the most common irritating moments for athletes has to be wardrobe malfunctions. These lead to embarrassing situations, and they may have to stop what they are doing to fix it.

This is a picture of Celine Van Duijn, a professional Dutch diver who found herself in a similar situation as she felt like her top wasn’t comfortable for her to participate. Luckily for her, she wasn’t embarrassed to adjust it. After all, she wasn’t going to let anything distract her.
What a Powerful Serve!
Tennis is an interesting sport to watch, as it has its own fair share of hilarious moments. For example, the photographer who took this snap definitely didn’t expect it to go south as it did. Our best guess is that he was only trying to capture the perfect serve, but he ended up with the player’s full bust.

Even the Romanian tennis player, Simona Haleps, found the picture interesting when it started making the rounds on social media. You have to admire her confidence in her physique, as it’s something most people find hard to do. At least she doesn’t let it get in her impressive world ranking.
What a Way to Land
Pole vaulting can be an interesting sport, but it can be equally dangerous. Since its introduction to the sporting world early in the 20th century, it has averaged an injury rate of 26 injuries per 100 athletes. This number is high considering the fact that the pole vaulters land on a thick mat of foam.

This photo has its own share of hilariousness. This Russian athlete was definitely not expecting to land in such an awkward position. Thankfully, the mat was there to cushion her from sustaining some serious neck injuries. Hopefully, she won; otherwise, this landing would have been for nothing.
That Don’t Look Right
Some poses in photographs simply do not turn out as expected. For example, this one came out with more ambiguity than these ladies would have liked. At first glance, you’d be inclined to wonder why the lady in white has her hands on the other lady’s thighs, and why would she take a photo undressed? However, there’s more than that.

In reality, the girl in the white top is just wearing a short skirt, and she has folded her legs in front of her friend’s lower body to create the illusion. While it was most likely unintentional, you have to admit it’s one bizarre photo fit for the collection.
No Selfies Today!
Numerous studies have revealed that taking selfies frequently leads to an increase in self-awareness and confidence, as well as capturing and sharing memories while connecting with peers. This lady was just doing herself the favor of taking a good selfie, but interestingly, her dog was definitely not having any of it.

Dogs are not fans of cameras, as most of them turn away if you point one at them. This dog particularly looks so disturbed by the lady’s tendency that its eyes glow green! Or maybe it was just putting in a pose for the camera. Whatever it is, at least he was locked outside the door.
Beautiful Necklace, Maam
Most fans are likely to get starstruck when they meet their favorite celebrity. This photo was taken at the 2013 Grammys when Ryan Seacrest was interviewing Katy Perry. While it’s normal to get fazed, considering Perry’s status as a famous singer and songwriter, it looks like something else was catching his eye.

Most people criticized Seacrest for his unprofessionalism and staring at breasts, but did they consider that he might have just been intrigued by her adorable necklace? Regardless, Perry and Seacrest remain friends, and he even revealed that she lets him babysit her daughter when he’s on the set of “American Idol.”
Who Said I Can’t Wear This!
On the beach, you’re likely to see some peculiar things that may leave you dropping your jaw or laughing your lungs out. However, seeing a man in a bikini is definitely not something you’d expect. At first glance, this is a photo of a mother helping a child, but in the background, is that a man in a bikini?

Of course, this is one of the greatest illusions of all time and a combination of camera trickery and precise timing. The woman in front of the man is bending, creating a perfect swap of her lower body and his torso. I guess you didn’t see that coming.
Yoga Must Be the Trick
There’s something special about a snap captured at the perfect moment. We guess the person who took this photo just pointed their camera to take a photo of a yoga session, but they ended up capturing more than they expected. Just take a look at the second woman.

This photograph gives the impression that the woman’s neck and head are sticking out as she bends to do yoga. It would probably have triggered conversations from everyone who saw it as to how she could have such a long neck! Luckily, it was just an illusion, and the head belonged to another lady sitting in front of them.
Perfect Couple’s Outfit
A man in a bikini? Or is it just another illusion? Looking at this picture, you’d be inclined to wonder why this man would decide to wear a bikini. Maybe he just wanted to match his girlfriend’s look on the beach, or he is one of those people who doesn’t care about others’ opinions of them.

As much as we’d love to ask all those questions, the man is not actually wearing the bikini, but it is just a reflection of his girlfriend’s outfit on the glass between him and her that creates an illusion of his body down from the neck. And it looks like she having fun looking at it.
Modern Day Snow White
There are many factors that determine how an image will come out to the public. Photographers can spend a lifetime trying to find that perfect moment, and most of the time, it turns out to be better than they expected. This photo of a woman with a bird perched on her hand is something else.

The photographs could be exact replica of the character Snow White in the famous first ever animated film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” From the expression on the lady’s face, it looks like she has been dreaming of that moment since Snow White showed her how it’s done.
Someone’s Having a Bad Day
Looking at this picture, someone must really be having a bad day. Puddles are risky for pedestrians and drivers alike. From the imprint on the wall, it looks like someone was just minding their own business on the sidewalk when a vehicle splashed the muddy water on them. It must have been really annoying!

While it may appear to be an unavoidable occurrence, did you know that splashing pedestrians is not just rude? It is also considered illegal in most developed countries. Under the UK Road Traffic Act, it is actually illegal for drivers not to consider other people, and it could get you fined as much as £5k!
Who Said the Dog Can’t Fish?
Some photos may leave us confused just because of the precision it takes to snap them. This is especially common when the picture has a different dimension that you may miss at first glance. For example, in this photo, it looks like the dog is holding the fishing hook and the girl actually has a dog face.

Taking a closer look, you’ll notice that the girl is sitting next to the dog, and the dog’s face is captured at an angle that makes it look like an extension of the girl’s. It’s a perfect illusion thanks to the angle and the colour of the girl’s hair and the dog’s fur coat.
Mind Bend-ing
This photo is on a whole new level of hilarious. While everyone seems to be going about their normal activities, it looks like there’s a lady in blue tights and a black vest doing an awkward bending posture. Maybe she’s just flexible, but she could end up breaking her waist at that rate.

However, looking at it closely, they are actually two different people. The lady in the vest is just walking away, while the one in tights is bent over trying to spread a piece of cloth on the grass, probably so she can sit. It must be interesting to find someone who can bend their back like that!
Take Me With You
Dogs can be hilarious in many ways, but this one definitely takes the cake when the family decided to take a family photo next to the iconic “Painted Ladies” homes. The man is TV show host Donal Skehan, who was on vacation in San Francisco with his partner, parents, and pet dog, Max.

It looked like the dog wasn’t letting Skehan’s father jump alone, as he jumped in excitement only to find himself gripping his shorts. The result was this fine, perfectly timed photo, which gained popularity online. Fair play to the father, as he still managed to smile for the sake of the photo.
Hey, I Wasn’t Done With That!
Seagulls are beautiful birds, mostly found near water bodies. They can eat almost everything, including organic chips, low-salt nuts, and cooked, un-spiced spaghetti. They are also fascinated by many of the foods people eat on the beach, and it looks like this one confirmed that they like ice cream too!

This seagull must be so daring if it just swooped in from the sky to snatch this man’s ice cream. The photographer might have been attempting to get a shot of the man, but instead, he ended up with this hilarious photo. Given his expression, the man probably hadn’t finished enjoying his cold delicacy. Poor guy!
Oops! Didn’t See That Coming
This picture is just another illustration that while everyone may want to rock their killer heels, they’re just not for everyone. This lady was probably just trying to look good-and maybe walking too fast that she did’nt see the step in front of her. Her unanticipated fall was definitely cringeworthy.

Heels were invented in Iran as early as the 10th century, mostly for male Persian soldiers to keep their shoes in their stirrups without tripping. Medical reports indicate that high heels can cause arthritis in the spine as well as throw you off balance, just like this lady. Her friend couldn’t help but see the funny side of it.
Somebody Stop Him
At first glance, there seems to be everything wrong with this picture. This man appears to have been so pressed that he didn’t bother to check where he was peeing. In that context, you can’t help but wonder why no one is trying to stop the young girl seemingly playing with the urine. But is that really the case?

Taking a closer look, you’ll realize that the photo was taken at an angle that created the illusion. The real image is that the man is just leaning on the wall while he watches the girl, probably his daughter, playing with water coming out of a pipe on the wall.
I Hate Headless Humans
There’s nothing that satisfies photographers more than when the stars align and the shutter clicks just to capture a shot that would leave viewers scratching their heads. This is one such photo that will leave you stunned at first glance. It looks like this guy was trying to hug his dog and take a beautiful photo, but the universe had other ideas.

Is that guy headless? It looks like it, and even the dog doesn’t seem to love it. Memories with pets are ones to cherish, especially when you have photos to look back on, but this is definitely not what this guy expected.
That’s Embarrassing
Smartphones are arguably the smartest invention of the 21st century, as they help to make our lives easier and more fun in numerous ways. One of the best benefits has been the ability to take them out and capture good and hilarious moments when we spot them.

Some photos are just mind-blowing and meant to leave you confused, and this is one of them. From the off, this photo gives you a different perception of what it really is, all thanks to the lady squatting and the man’s expression. Props to the photographer who noticed the moment and took a shot.
Don’t Leave Me Out
This is perhaps one of the most confusing photos you’ll see. It looks like the man in the back wanted to be in the photo so badly that he used his extended arm to move one of the girls out of the way. With that long arm, you have to wonder if he even has to get up from the sofa to pick a drink from the fridge.

However, a closer look at the picture reveals his arm is not as long as we thought! Instead, the arm on the girl’s shoulder belongs to her friend on the left, who had put it around her shoulder as she took a selfie.
Just Waiting for the Bus
Photobombs are usually amazing, especially when they are unintentional, and dogs are masters at this, as this photo shows. Looking at it, it seems like there’s someone waiting for the bus, except with a dog’s head! It would be an unexpected scene to see, but if only it were true.

Perhaps the person who took this photograph wanted to capture the woman waiting, but the dog was too eager to get in the photo that it covered the woman’s face and ended up creating this almost believable illusion. We hope the bus wasn’t be delayed any longer, considering the impatient look on the dog’s face.
Through the Fields
Illusions are just epic, especially if you manage to uncover both sides of the picture. This one could definitely cause a headache for anyone trying to figure out the real meaning behind it. It shows a girl walking on a path that goes through a rice field, or, depending on what you see, her hairstyle is plaited to form a horn at the centre.

It would take the utmost precision to capture an image like this, but it is actually a photorealistic painting created by renowned Japanese artist Makoto Aida. Interestingly, it’s branded “A Path Between Rice Fields,” so you definitely got it right if you fell for the first interpretation.
Touch Your Toes
When you have the craziest best friends, you can expect to have the most hilarious and unforgettable moments. Good friends are there for you to grieve the hard times and celebrate the good times. It looks like it was time for the good vibes in the backyard for this group of friends.

Whoever captured this photo must have been so proud of themselves for capturing the exact moment when everyone was “flying” in the air, except for the one in the centre who was seemingly trying a superman punch. While having friends promotes mental fitness, these ones probably prefer being both mentally and physically fit.
Sorry, Madam President
Presidential assassinations are a rare occurrence around the world. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and William McKinley are two of the most well-known high-profile assassinations. However, many countries emphasize extra protection for their heads of state and their families, so the most likely people to commit the crime are soldiers in their security detail.

This picture shows Dilma Rousself, former Brazilian president, attending a military ceremony, and it looks like one of the soldiers stabbed her from behind. On the contrary, this was an illusion created when the photographer took the photo at the exact moment. when a soldier lowered his sword beside her.
Wrong Time to Blink
Most of the things you see aren’t what they seem, as our eyes and the things we look at can regularly play tricks on us. For some photos, you have to do a double take to confirm, due to the camera angles, illusions, or simply perfect timing. This photo is one example of the result of precise timing.

While everyone has their own eye color, you don’t expect anyone to have pure white eyes. This lady’s eyes look all white, but taking a closer look, you’ll realize that she was just blinking, and her white eye shadow created the illusion. Next time, she will probably consider her makeup color choices wisely.
Can’t Unsee This
Optical illusions can be everything, from scandalous to fun and fascinating, especially when you finally get to see them for what they are. This photo carries all that in one, and perhaps that is why it received many reactions when it was posted by a reddit user named Summerie. It will force you to take a second look to discover what is going on.

At first glance, this innocent photo shows a man undressed with his hand covering his nether region. However, the photo is innocent regardless of what you see. The man is just sitting with his girlfriend on a boat with his hand on her knees!
No Need for a Boat
Pictures can tell a thousand words, but in the case of this photo, it is just about perfect timing. This photo just goes as far as capturing the precise moment when reality meets the impossible. At first glance, it looks like this guy is riding on the water in his posterior.

Water sports bring out the most hilarious moments, and it only takes precise timing to capture them. This man was probably trying to wakeboard, but it seems he’s doing it wrong, as he should be towed while standing on a board facing forward and not backwards. Despite his antics, you have to applaud the person who took this hilarious photo.
One, Two, Thr-Ouch!
This photo is as hilarious as it gets. Children love being thrown up in the air. Scientists explain that flying upwards gives their bodies strong feedback as they master their bodies against gravity. It increases a child’s endorphin level, kickstarts their adrenaline, and makes them excited, and that explains why they’re so excited.

While this guy was loving enough to throw the boy into the air, it didn’t end well for him, as he ended up being kicked in the genitals. We only hope it wasn’t serious enough to cause any major injuries. Judging from the look on his face, we bet he definitely didn’t throw another child into the air after that.
Time for a Selfie
Football is the most popular sport in the world, but perhaps another area that it excels at has to be its hilarious moments. Football fans can go the extra mile to showcase their undying support for their team, and this guy was no exception. While other fans may have lashed out at him for facing the opposite direction, the resulting photo was definitely worth it.

In fairness, the guy just saw the opportunity and he made the most of it. From behind the goal, he captured the exact moment Frank Lampard scored his 250th goal for Chelsea FC, and truth be told, you’ll strugle to find a more perfectly timed photo.
Smoke-ring Beard
While smoking is the perfect escape for most people, this guy definitely perfected the art of smoke-ring blowing. Even the other guy sitting next to him was so mesmerized that he was left gasping at what he had just witnessed. The smoke ring pounced on that moment, making it look like he had a shaggy beard.

Smoke tricks date back to 2004, when the first one, the French Inhale, was invented by Britney Spears. Since then, there have been numerous tricks, and blowing smoke rings is probably the most common. They are formed when a puff of smoke is released suddenly through a small opening.
Demon Sheet
Sometimes we just stare at photos and just can’t understand what we’re seeing or how it came to life. Here’s another surreal photo that was probably taken just out of luck. A second look is enough to change your entire perspective, and it’s just captivating to see the reality.

The photographer was probably trying to get a good shot of a woman doing laundry, but they ended up with one of the best optical illusions of all time. She was trying to hang the red sheet, but it appears it’s more of a demon sheet because of the shape it made!
Bubble Glasses for Life
In photography, timing is everything. A difference of seconds can end up making your day, like this photo did. Luckily, pictures freeze time, so you have something to look at over and over again. A quick look at the photo shows a young boy on his father’s shoulder with headphones and some nice sunglasses. Well, look again.

This perfect illusion was actually created by bubbles blown to color the air. Soap bubbles have been used for entertainment for at least the past 400 years, but who could have thought they’d make good sunglasses? It’s just so amazing how the world hits us with breathtaking views every time.
Let’s Go Flying
This jaw-dropping image will make you wish for a holiday at a game park in the grasslands. The images and video show a quickwitted bird escaping the jaws of a hungry leopard just in the nick of time. I was captured by Paul Rifkin and Lauren O’Dea during a trip to the Serengeti, Tanzania.

Leopards hunt their prey by either ambushing or stalking them before making a move. In this case, the stork was wandering happily on te ground, unaware of the leopard hidden among the grass waiting to pounce. Once it noticed the preditor and started flying away, the leopard sprang up only to miss by a few inches. Lucky day, Birdie!
That Must’ve Hurt
Body kicks in mixed martial arts can do some serious damage. They are not as exhilarating as a well-timed punch to the head, but they can effectively dole out pain, knock out an opponent, or even worse, break their ribs. Simply put, it’s best to avoid a roundhouse kick to the ribs.

This photo shows Vitor Nobrega timing a perfect kick to the ribs of Philip Mulpeter in an MMA fight. The kick sent a ripple effect through the body, skewing the skull tattoo on Mulpeter’s back to make it look like an actual head getting indented. Thankfully, he was okay after the match, though he was probably sore.
This Doesn’t Look Right
This photo may look like the dystopian results of a science experiment gone wrong in the movies, but it’s actually the mere product of unbelievably precise timing. Photography creates and stores moments, and this one will live to be remembered for a long time by anyone who saw it.

Photographer Steve Black was taking a generic file shot of a woman walking on the sidewalk in Aberdeen, Scotland when the bird flew by and disrupted it. The end result was a photo of the bird with two legs seemingly sprouting from its underbelly. You have to admit, best-timing photography rarely comes any better than this.
Sandy Explosion
The secret to capturing the perfect shot is clicking the shutter at just the right moment. Sometimes it takes luck to get the perfect shot of a lifetime, or it may take a long time, but it’s definitely worth it, especially if you end up with a shot like this one.

Long jumping is one interesting sport to watch. Sometimes there are hilarious moments, such as athletes falling before they even jump, and then there are interesting ones, such as a long jump in the sand. This lady must have jumped the highest she could to kick up that much sand!
Let’s Celebrate!
When football teams win trophies, it’s beautiful scenes at stadiums with players and staff celebrating in the most hilarious and interesting ways. This was the case with German outfit Bayern Munich in 2017. After winning their last match of the season, the players rolled off in celebration, but some of them probably took it a bit too far.

This perfectly timed shot captured David Alaba unexpectedly, giving Arjen Robben a new head of hair with the beer. It was a funny moment for both as they burst out in laughter. Luckily, Robben was able to pass the fun as he showered Sky reporter Britta Hoffman with an entire stein!
What Are You Wearing?
Have you ever looked at something carefully for the second time and discovered that what you saw the first time was completely different? Well, that’s exactly the feeling you’ll get after looking at this photo. At first glance, it looks like the man is standing behind the seat, but what’s more interesting is that he’s wearing heels and feminine shorts.

However, a closer look reveals that the guy is the one seated, and the girl is standing behind him with her head concealed behind his head. The illusion is definitely hard to unsee, and the person who took it has to be proud of their work.